Mistras Group
Sonarspec Advanced NDE & Consulting Inc.
Contact: Eric Fontenot
Houston TX Texas
United States 77019
Phone: 281-803-8390
Tags: NDE NDT PAUT Advanced Services
Keywords: NDE NDT PAUT Advanced Services
Sonarspec Advanced NDE & Consulting has been serving the oil and gas, petroleum and petrochemical, chemical, power generation, and pipeline industries since 2013. The United States operations provide services all over the United States but mainly based in Houston, TX. We are a diversified FULL-SERVICE Nondestructive Testing and Materials Engineering Company, owned and operated by NDT personnel, with a focus on utilizing our abilities and training to minimize our customers’ NDT and operating costs.
NDT Services, Engineering Services, Risk Based Inspection, Chief Inspector Services, Pipeline Integrity Services, Asset Integrity, Ultrasonic Testing, Hardness Testing, Ferrite Testing, AUT Corrosion Mapping, Weld Inspection, Phased Array, and Time of Flight Diffraction Inspection