Tech Service Products, Inc.
5509 Jensen St. 
Harahan LA Louisiana
United States 70123
Phone: 800-245-9369
Fax: 504-733-4275
Keywords: NDT Supplies; Vacuum Boxes
Since 1973, Tech Service Products continues as a leading stocking distributor of NDT consumables, NDT equipment, and general industrial supplies. From our locations in Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Online we service various industries located in the United States and internationally.

Our long term customer relationships originally contacted us because they were tired of the indifference exhibited by their current supplier. Customers also contact us because they are frustrated with losing profitability through the loss of production time, due to long delivery lead times. Our team members solve these problems through an extensive inventory and because they are motivated to make you look good in your organization for choosing to do business with Tech Service Products.

Please contact us if you have any questions at 800-245-9369.

Mistras Group