Mistras Group
Helmco Inc.
PO Box 1602 
Bartlesville OK Oklahoma
United States 74005
Phone: +1 918 584 4636, Fax: +1 918 584 4636
Tags: cadmium pressure
Welcome to Helmco Manufacturing Welcome HMI Products Warranty Helmco Manufacturing, Inc. AN INDEPENDENT DIVISION OF HMS, INC. Est. 1973 Demand the best. Always insist on HMI Quality Excess Flow Check Valves.....the original and still the number one choice. HMI A LEADING MANUFACTURER of Excess Flow Check Valves for liquids, gas, or vapor flow lines in refineries, chemical plants, city water lines, local gas company lines, ships, barges, tankers, tanker trucks; anywhere a break in a flow line poses a hazard or simply to limit the flow to a predetermined amount. We offer many standard flows in a variety of liquids, gases, vapors, chemicals, and design special flows for your particular application. HMI also manufactures Back Pressure Check Valves, Needle Valves, Ball Check Valves, Plug Valves, Sampling hose assemblies (featuring hand tight connections), Sample Cylinders (for laboratory use only), Sampling connections, Laboratory apparatus for testing petroleum products per ASTM Designations, Reid Vapor Pressure Bombs, LPG Vapor Pressure Bombs and various adapters and fitting for use with them, 98C Corrosion Test Bombs, copper strip method, for LPG and 98B cylinders for testing low pressure petroleum products, Copper Strips sanded and un-sanded, multi position copper strip holding vise, thermometer well fitting for pressure tanks. Site under reconstruction - Check back for updates Toll Free Phone 1-888-241-4705 & Toll Free Fax 1-888-489-8044 email mailbox@helmco.com