Dendoff Springs Limited
12045 Old Yale Road 
Surrey BC British Columbia
Canada V3V 3X4
Phone: +1 604 580 3400, Fax: +1 604 580 3600
Tags: Goods heat Industrial services Services springs Springs treating
Industrial Goods and Services Springs
Dendoff Springs - Coil and Leaf Spring Manufacturer Welcome to our webpage. Dendoff Springs is a Canadian manufacturer that produces a wide variety of Coil and Flat Leaf Springs. We also produce U-bolts and Wire Forms to customer specifications. From prototypes to large volume runs, We make springs any size,any shape. DENDOFF SPRINGS LTD . 12045 Old Yale Road Surrey B.C. Canada V3V-3X4 Email info@dendoff.com Phone 604-580-3400 Fax 604-580-3600
Mistras Group