Mistras Group
Computalabel International Ltd
53A London Rd 
Phone: +44 1132927700
Tags: bar Bar Code coding Labeling
Bar Code Labeling
Computalabel International - Barcode Software for Mac and Windows - UPC, EAN, ISBN, ITF, Code 128, ISSN, Code 39 and postal bar code creation with MBC4 (MacBarcoda) $395.00 £225.00 €335.00 MBC4 creates EPS barcodes for use in your graphics software. All popular barcode types are supported including UPC, EAN, ISBN, ISSN, Code128, EAN/UCC128, ITF and Codabar. It has all of the ease-of-use, accuracy and safety of MBC3 and the previous versions of MacBarcoda, but now has new barcode types and many new features . More... $7.50 £5.00 €8.00 We can supply individual barcodes to your specifications. All you have to do is tell us the bar code type, number and size and we'll email you a high quality EPS bar code within 2 working hours. Save money and time by using our high definition bar codes. More... $295.00 £169.00 €236.00 Pharmacoder is a Mac or Windows program which produces the Pharmacode (or Laetus) bar codes used in pharmaceutical packaging. Pharmacoder can generate multi-color bar codes as EPS files for use in any design software. More... $59.00 £99.00 €85.00 Using a font to make barcodes is often a bad idea, but for some barcode types, like Code39 or MSI/Plessey, it can be one of the simplest ways to add a barcode to a document. More... from $149.00 £99.00 €179.00 Barcode scanners that work through your keyboard - when you scan a barcode it's just like you typed the data! You don't need special software - they work perfectly with any program that accepts text input. More... Portable bar code verifiers that analyze bar code quality against traditional quality parameters and ANSI/CEN/ISO bar code print quality guidelines. More... MBC3 is the Classic version of our award-winning barcode creation software. (Mac OS 8/9 only) More... Label Designer is a label design and printing package including barcodes. MacThermal prints to Zebra, TEC and Datamax thermal printers. (Mac OS 8/9 only) More...