Mistras Group
CID Associates
730 Ekastown Rd 
Sarver PA Pennsylvania
United States 16055
Phone: +1 412 353 0300, Fax: +1 412 353 0308
Tags: buildings Buildings bulk chambers Construction electrical electronics enclosures machinery PreEngineered process Special
Special Construction Pre-Engineered Buildings
CID Associates, Inc. CID Associates, Inc. is an engineered-to-order manufacturing company with the technology and experience to complete a turnkey liftable building. We design all types of building structures for all kinds of customers, including commercial, industrial, pharmaceutical, institutional, government, and military. The CID Steel Building Division designs and manufacturers liftable multi-story control rooms, offices, computer centers, control pulpits, electrical enclosures, motor control centers, crane cabs, communication shelters, restroom facilities, and guard houses. The Haz-Safe Buildings by Design Division manufactures the largest FM approved hazmat buildings - used for isolation and containment of chemicals during processing, dynamometer and engine test chambers, walk or drive in coolers, freezer and hot boxes for storage. If needed, Haz-Safe will incorporate explosion proof materials to exceed codes and to provide the safest components for use at any site, in any location. Both CID Steel Buildings and Haz-Safe by Design incorporate in their heavy duty buildings a continuously welded steel skeleton of 1/4-inch tubular steel for the base vertical cradle and for the lifting crown framework. The crown framework includes lifting lugs for setting and relocating these liftable buildings, eliminating the need for spreader beams and slings. The continuously seam welded exterior steel plate walls create a weathertight structure, both modular and knockdown. 730 Ekastown Road • (Route 228) • Sarver, PA 16055 Phone: (724) 353-0300 • Fax (724) 353-0308 email:sales@cidbuildings.com