Mistras Group
Becht Sonomatic
Contact: David Dechene
115-A Denver Business Park Drive 
Mooresville NC North Carolina
United States 28115
Phone: 704-664-8474
Fax: 704-664-8474
Becht Sonomatic is the US trading name of Veritec Sonomatic, world leaders in advanced ultrasonic technologies. We build much of our own equipment including the world famous MicroPlus data acquisition and analysis systems.

Our US office provides specialty steam turbine NDE such as hollow rotor bore and solid bore examinations, generator rotor retaining ring examinations, turbine disk/keyway inspections, etc.

We are also world leaders in Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD). Our enhanced TOFD applications include hi-temperatures to 800+ deg. F. Other specialties include corrosion mapping, Risk Based Inspection (RBI) and Non Intrusive Inspection (NII) programs.