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Viewing Ultrasonic Transducers:

Ultrasonic Transducers from Evident  
Evident manufactures ultrasonic probes and transducers are used for flaw detection, thickness gauging, materials research, and medical diagnostics. Our more than 4,000 transducer types include contact, dual element, shear wave, delay line, and immersion. Angle Beam Transducers & Wedges Angle b...

Polymer Dry Couplant Materials from Innovation Polymers  
Our focus is on highly effective sound transfer through the development of acoustic-capable polymers. These new polymers enable coupling of the ultrasonic sensor to the material under test and provides a layer to couple, seal or optimize energy transfer. Our mission is to develop and produce high...

Acoustocam from Imperium  
Today, Imperium is the sole provider of a hand-held ultrasound camera, the i600 Acoustocam™, which is a breakthrough in ultrasound imaging and provides higher resolution, easier interpretation, and a lower cost than conventional ultrasound technology. We have a full scale manufacturing operation to ...

GaGe EON Express from Vitrek - GaGe Brand High-Speed Data Acquisition  
The GaGe EON Express CompuScope PCIe Gen3 digitizer board features unprecedented speed and resolution in a 6 GS/s streaming digitizer with 1.75 GHz bandwidth and PCIe data streaming rates up to 6 GB/s. Onboard digitizer sample memory is expandable up to 8 GB and the EON Express supports FPGA base...

GaGe CobraMax Express from Vitrek  
The GaGe CobraMax Express CompuScope PCIe digitizer board features 8-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 4.0 GS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 7.6-bits with 10 MHz input. Onboard digitizer sample memory is expandable up to 16 GS and up to 8 CobraMax Express digitizers can be ...

Ultrasonic Probes made in Germany from SONOTEC GmbH  
30 years experience manufacturing ultrasonic probes SONOTEC has established itself in the global market as a specialist for customized ultrasonic solutions like probes and transducers over the past 25 years. With a strong development department and our own piezocomposite production, we accompan...

HS582i high-temperature ultrasonic transducer from Ionix Advanced Technologies  
The new HotSense™ HS582i, high-temperature dual element thickness gauging transducer from Ionix - Reduce your inspection time with no duty cycling and robust calibration. This dual element ultrasonic transducer enables high-temperature, in-service thickness, corrosion measurements and surveys fo...

Flooded Member Detection System from Cygnus Instruments Inc  
The CYGNUS FMD system is an underwater, ultrasonic flooded member detector that combines intelligent, advanced software and electronics with a genuinely simple to use interface. It is specifically designed for flooded member inspection work, for the detection of water ingress either ROV or diver op...

GaGe Cobra Express with eXpert Ultrasonic NDT Position Encoder Firmware from Vitrek - GaGe Brand High-Speed Data Acquisition  
eXpert FPGA DSP: Ultrasonic NDT Position Encoder Most ultrasonic nondestructive inspection systems are equipped with one or more position encoders, which accurately measure the position or angle of a scanning ultrasonic transducer or sample. Although position encoders may operate with general ...