Mistras Group
welding inspector with 16 years experiences in relevant job scope

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Country: Malaysia
I am willing to Travel.
Currently working but always looking.
I am willing to work overseas.
I prefer temp jobs.
I prefer permanent jobs.

i) Academic : Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia

ii) Professional : -Welding Inspector 3.0–Visual Inspection
from Technical Welding Institute (TWI) associated with
the Welding Institute of Cambridge, U.K. at TWI (SEA)
Sungai Buloh, Selangor.

-Welding Inspector PCN level II Ruane U.K (Equivalent to 3.1 CSWIP)

-Training course visual video systems (standard/explosion proof)

-Certificate of QA training of metal fabrication and design at Schindler Fabrication Workshop, Mullhouse France.

MARA Vocational Institute. ( 2 years study in technical school in welding technology)
Certificates in welding technology 3G, GMAW, GTAW,
SMAW, FCAW and MARA final exam

Certificate of Internal Auditing ISO 9002/9001.

Informatic Institute
Computers course certificate

medium level

1. PERSONAL PARTICULARS (16 years experiences approx)

Name : Meor Ishak Bin Nasir

NRIC No. : 710401-08-6391

Nationality : Malaysian

Date of Birth : 1.04.1971

Marital Status : Married

Phone no : 06019 2720399

E mail : meorisna@yahoo.com.my


i) Academic : Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia

ii) Professional : -Welding Inspector 3.0–Visual Inspection
from Technical Welding Institute (TWI) associated with
the Welding Institute of Cambridge, U.K. at TWI (SEA)
Sungai Buloh, Selangor.

-Welding Inspector PCN level II Ruane U.K (Equivalent to 3.1 CSWIP)

-Training course visual video systems (standard/explosion proof)

-Certificate of QA training of metal fabrication and design at Schindler Fabrication Workshop, Mullhouse France.

MARA Vocational Institute. ( 2 years study in technical school in welding technology)
Certificates in welding technology 3G, GMAW, GTAW,
SMAW, FCAW and MARA final exam

Certificate of Internal Auditing ISO 9002/9001.

Informatic Institute
Computers course certificate


- Welding Inspector (General)(RTO/QA7) by Qualified Welding Instructor at Ruane-
TATI (Terengganu Advance Institute), Kijal, Terengganu.
- Welding Inspection Course 3.1 at TWI (SEA), Sg. Buloh,Selangor.
- QA training of metal fabrication at SCHINDLER Mullhouse France.
- Computer course by Informatic Institute.
- Training course visual videoscope inspection systems (standard/explosion proof)
- Internal Auditing ISO 9002/9001.
- In-house course on Basic NDT(UT,MPI,DPI) by company appointed Level III
- Sea Survival Underwater Course conducted by Consist (M) Sdn Bhd, Ulu Kelang

Summary of experiences

16 years involved in various project and job scope in metal fabrication included Oil and Gas.
Experienced in welding and plant inspection with various welding technique and system, welding supervisor, fabrication supervisor, QA/QC, and skill welder

• Involved welding inspection on piping and structure work in various project.

• Performed inspection and borescope inspection on piping, rotary equipment, boiler tubes, reactor, heater coil, heat-ex changer, monitoring welding work and review the WPS, and execute people, and etc
• As NDT Inspector during performed Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Red Dye Penetrant Inspection, and Hardness Testing for any assignment.
• As Inspector on preparation on final documentation, and filing of reports in accordance to client reporting and documentation system.
• As Inspector during performed report presentation session to client representative upon completion of works and brief on inspection finding and raise of technical recommendation
• Monitoring/whitness welding work and review WPS.
• Corrosion under insulation inspector
• Plant Turnaround/maintenance Inspector.


Date join : Jan 2001 to present
Position : Technical Inspector

Involved in the following projects:

MAY 2007
Seconded to Melaka petronas oil refining company by performed the inspection of shut down fire water feed boiler and dearator. Determine the condition of the boiler. Provide the report and assessment to the goverment body to renew operation certificate. Also involved in piping tie up (welding work) monitoring.

March - april 2007
Seconded to Melaka petronas oil refining company as a static equipment inspector during maintenance work to perform inspection on external and internal of equipment such as pressure vessel, heat exchanger, deaerator, column, finn cooler and others inspection activities. Provided a equipment report to Goverment body for renew the operation certificate.

February 2007 to present
Seconded to Petronas Penapisan (Melaka) Sdn Bhd as Team Leader for Summary and External Inspection. To supervise and perform all external inspection activties (inspection & NDT) and update progress daily activties.

January 2007
Seconded to Petronas Penapisan (Melaka) Sdn Bhd as Static Equipment Inspector during PPMSB Turnaround 2007 (PSR-1). To performed internal and external inspection activities on static equipment and others related equipment.

December 2006
Seconded to Petronas Fertilizer (Kedah) Sdn Bhd as Visual Inspector during Emergency Shutdown.

September 2006
Seconded to Wehaya Regelung Sdn Bhd as Boroscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to MTBE Malaysia Sdn Bhd as Videoscope Inspector for 16 Buffer Air Tank Project. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to TNB Research Sdn Bhd as Videoscope Inspector at Pasir Gudang Power Station. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

June 2006
Seconded to Vinyl Chloride Malaysia Sdn Bhd as Static Equipment Inspector during VCMSB Turnaround 2006. To performed external inspection activities on static equipment and others related equipment.

March – April 2006
Seconded to Malaysia LNG, Bintulu as Static Equipment Inspector during Module 8 DOSH Shutdown. To performed external inspection activities on static equipment and others related equipment.

March 2006
Seconded to Malaysia LNG, Bintulu as Static Equipment Inspector during Onstream Inspection. To performed external inspection activities on static equipment and others related equipment.

February - March 2006
Seconded to Optimal Chemicals (M) Sdn Bhd as Static Equipment Inspector during Optimal Turnaround 2006 – Olefins Plant. To performed internal and external inspection activities on static equipment and others related equipment.

August – September 2005
Seconded to Malaysia LNG, Bintulu as Videoscope Inspector during Module 4 Shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

July 2005
Seconded to Petronas Fertilizer (Kedah) Sdn Bhd as Static Equipment Inspector during PFKSB Turnaround 2005. To performed internal and external inspection activities on static equipment and others related equipment.

June 2005
Seconded to BASF Petronas Chemicals as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to Cabot Malaysia Sdn Bhd as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

April – May 2005
Seconded to Petronas Penapisan (Terengganu) Sdn Bhd as Static Equipment Inspector during PPTSB Turnaround 2005. To performed internal and external inspection activities.

March – April 2005
Seconded to BASF Petronas Chemicals as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

January 2005
Seconded to BASF Petronas Chemicals as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

December 2004
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad (GPPA) as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

September 2004
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad (GPPA) as Videoscope Inspector during GPP1 Turnaround. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

June 2004
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad (CUF, Gebeng) as Videoscope Inspector during HRSG (A) Rectified Activity Project. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

May 2004
Seconded to Malaysia LNG, Bintulu as Videoscope Inspector during DOSH/MRR Shutdown (Module 2) 2F5130. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

April – May 2004
Seconded to BASF Petronas Chemicals as Videoscope Inspector during BASF Turnaround 2004. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

March 2004
Seconded to Cabot Malaysia Sdn Bhd as Videoscope Inspector during PD-1 Heat Exchanger at Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.

Seconded to Dynea Malaysia Sdn Bhd as Boroscope Inspector at Senawang, Seremban.

February 2004
Seconded to Petronas Fertilizer Kedah Sdn Bhd as Videoscope Inspector during PFK Shutdown 2004.

Dec 2003 – Jan 2004
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during AGRU Shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to clint to reviewed.

Nov – Dec 2003
Seconded to Petronas Fertlizer Kedah as Videoscope Inspector during Mini Shutdown Dec 2003. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to clint to reviewed.

Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during GPP-3 Instrument Air Dryer Project. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to clint to reviewed.

Oct 2003
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during GPP-2 Turnaround 2003. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to clint to reviewed.

Seconded to MTBE as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into R2-4001 and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to CUF, Gebeng as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into E2-2103 Cond Cooler and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to CUF, Kerteh as Videoscope Inspector during Cogen-F Shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Sept 2003
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during DPCU-2 project at GPP-A. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to CUF, Gebeng as Videoscope Inspector during Gas Turbine B projec. Carried out internal inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

August 2003
Seconded to CUF, Kerteh as Videoscope Inspector during Lin/Box Vaporizer Insp. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

July – Aug 2003
Seconded to Petronas Fertilizer Kedah (PFK) as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into Compressor and K-39-01 and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

July 2003
Seconded to Petlin, Kerteh as Videoscope Inspector during Reactor Shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to CUF, Kerteh as Videoscope Inspector during Condensate Cooler Shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

June – July 2003
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during GPP 3 Turnaround 2003. Carried out internal visual inspection and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

June 2003
Seconded to MTBE as Videoscope Inspector. Carried out internal visual inspection into Fin Fan Cooler tubes at Port Storage and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

May 2003
Seconded to Petronas Fertilizer Kedah (Gurun) as Videoscope Inspector during UF shutdown at PFK, Gurun. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

May 2003
Seconded to Malaysia LNG, Bintulu as Videoscope Inspector during MLNG-2 Module 1 DOSH Turnaround 2003. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

March 2003
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during Export Terminal Turnaround. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during GPP A Boiler Shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Feb to March 2003
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during GPP 5 Turnaround. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Jan 2003
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during KCS-A & DPCU-2 Turnaround. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Aug 2002
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during GPP 4 Turnaround 2002. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

July 2002
Seconded to Shell Refinery Company, Port Dickson as Videoscope Inspector during LRCC Turnaround. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

May to June 2002
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Vidoescope Inspector during GPP 1 & KCSB Turnaround. Carried out internal visual inspection into piping and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Apr 2002
Seconded to Petronas Penapisan Melaka as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during Regen. Tower Unit 23 at PSR - 2 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an associated pipings to inspect any sign of blockage of catalyst carried over from vessels and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad- CUF Kerteh, as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during condensate cooler tubes and compress air receiver shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

March 2002
Seconded to MTBE, Gebeng, Kuantan as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during Heat Exchanger at MTBE unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes, nozzles and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad, Kerteh as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during boiler WHRU at KCS-B unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Jan to Feb 2002
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad, Kerteh as Videoscope Inspector during pre commisioning of V6 201 replacement at GPP - 6 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into pipngs and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad, Kerteh as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during boiler F3-781 at GPP - 3 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Nov 2001
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad- CUF Gebeng, Kuantan as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during boiler unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Oct 2001
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during boiler F4-781 at GPP - 4 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Sep 2001
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during boiler F2-781 at GPP - 2 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Aug to Sep 2001
Seconded to MTBE Malaysia Sdn Bhd as Videoscope Inspector during MTBE / PPM Turnaround 2001 and MTBE Port Storage Shutdown 2001. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Jul 2001 to Aug 2001
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during boiler F4-791 at GPP - 4 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Jun 2001 to Jul 2001
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector to performed videoscope inspection work at KCS. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Mac 2001 to Apr 2001 :
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during boiler F3-781 at GPP-3 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Rotary Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during pump shutdown at GPP-3. Carried out video scope inspection on eroded flanges due to carried over substances during operating. Editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Feb 2001 to Mac 2001 :
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Videoscope Inspector during static equipment shutdown at GPP-1 Propane Treate Project(L-102) Carried out video scope inspection on associated piping and related equipment to detect any carried over catalyst from damaged sreen.

July 2000 to Aug 2000:
Seconded to Petronas Gas Berhad as Static Equipment/Videoscope Inspector during boiler F3-791 at GPP-3 unit shutdown. Carried out internal visual inspection into new riser tube after replacement of defective an existing tubes and editing image through CCTV and prepare preliminary and final report to client to reviewed.

Date Join : February 1999 to Dec 2000
Position : Videoscope Inspector

Scope of work :
• Execution of all internal visual inspections, both locally and internationally, NDT coordination and witnessing inspections
• Compiling and control of relevant technical documentation, advising with respect to inspections and or quality control with customer representative in relation to the findings. Advising and executing projects pertaining CCTV inspections.

Companies and Projects with responsibilities as CCTV Inspector and welding Inspection.
• Foster Wheeler, Singapore
• McConnell Dowell, Singapore
• Singapore Takada Industries
• Dupont Sakra Island Singapore Pte, Ltd.
• Cognis Oleochemicals Sdn Bhd.
• Sitt Tatt Industrial Gases Sdn Bhd
• Shell Port Dickson Sdn Bhd
• Dairymas (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
• CUF Petronas Kertih, Terengganu
• Petronas Gas Berhad Kertih
• Sultan Ismail Power Generation Paka, Terengganu
• Petronas BASF Chemical Industry Gebeng, Kuantan, Pahang.
• Petronas Penapisan Melaka (PSR 2)

Date Join : July 1998 to February 1999
Position : QA Technician cum Welding Inspector
Product : Elevator and escalator

Scope of work :
• To perform the QA schedule
• Planning and layout quality inspection system of the section
• Created the inspection check sheet
• Filling of in process check sheet safe keeping and up date in the computer system
• Prepared the Non Conformance report and follow up the in Corrective Action
• Maintenance and calibrate of measurement tool and equipment for the production and maintain 5S system.
• Perform the Production line Surveillance Audit
• Participated internal quality audit
• Perform the visual welding inspection according to the specification
• Maintain the quality produce by Punching Machine, Drilling, Sawing, Shearing, Bending and Painting
• Represent the QA executive in management meeting when has absent or on leave
• Involved in welding procedure Qualification report (WPQR) and welding procedure specification (WPS) set up for the company.
• Internal Audit for ISO 9001.

D. Company : BROMMA MALAYSIA SDN BHD Kinta Free Trade Zone
Chemor Perak
Date Join : 1995 to 1998
Position : Supervisor/Welder
Product : Sprader Container Crane (Port Facilities for container lifting)

Responsibilities :
• Perform the section of telescopic Sprader (Main Frame)
• Training and control Workers
• Fitting and Welding work
• Perform the shearing machine, bending and etc
• Drawing and plan transtrator
• Control the section work quality (self quality inspection
• Perform the Non-Destructive Test (NDT)
• Perform the Visual Welding Inspection
• Physical stock control
• Maintain the ISO 9002 quality system as Internal Auditor

E. Company : Kontena Nasional Malaysia Sdn Bhd Sri Setia Petaling Jaya,
Date Join : 1991 TO 1994
Position : Sub contractor for container repair
Product : Container repair/painting.

• Repair the container an accident/dented/misalignment and wood work.
• Welding Oxy cutting and gauging
• Shearing machine and bending machine
• Container realignment set up
• Knocking dented container wall and cut and patching if to worse
• Painting and repainting whole the container
• Fitting and marking before fabricated any engineering work
• Painting inspection
• Perform the self visual welding inspection
• Training and monitor workers
• Observation on the quality according to the requirement of specification .
• Complete the job according to the schedule
• Preparation of job report.