NDT Inspector / NDT Co0rdinator / QA-QC Inspector / Welding Inspector

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Country: India
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Passed the following NDT Examinations conducted by Non-Destructive Testing Society of India and ASNT Level III from Bombay.
· Magnetic Particle Testing Level II (ISNT ASNT)
· Liquid Penetrant Testing Level II (ISNT ASNT)
· Ultrasonic Testing Level II (ASNT)
· Visual Inspection Level II (ASNT)
· Welding Inspector By ADOR (INST. OF WELD.)
· Auto Cad R-14(2D & 3D) By Edit Institute, Mumbai.
Detail for certificate holder:
Yogesh M Padiya
Mumbai, India
ASNT ID: 141266 ASNT Central Certification Program Level II with EN 473.
Method Sector Technique Exp. Date
MT GI;PE B;Y 01/09
PT GI;PE S;W 01/09
UT GI;PE CF;W 01/09

S.S.C Pass
- At present I am working for Rina Industries, Geneva-Italy for their branch in
Kazakhstan as Welding Inspector for their client K. P. C. Aksai. Uralsk.
Kazakhstan for their project of Restart Team for Socket welds and there after on
Hook up lines. These constructions work performing by Bonatti and Phlagman as contractor of K.P.C. My duty involves witness and checking WQT, Welding, NDT reports, Interpretation of Radiographs and documentation. (From 21st Jan., 2004 to till today).

- Worked with PTAS ITS Sdn, Bhd., Brunei, as Multi discipline Inspector for their client M/s. BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM, OFFSHORE DIV., for their On-stream Inspection Projects.(From 13th feb.,2000 to 9th April,2003.).

- Work with SOLUS EMIRATES, Abu Dhabi, for their client M/s ADGAS (Abu Dhabi
Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd.) At Das Island as NDT Technician from 3rd August
1996 (As short term contract) to 10th December 1996 and 2nd February 1997 to
31.05.1997 for pre-shutdown & shutdown of Train-3. 1.4.99 to 20.5.99 Train 2 &
23.3.98 to 31.5.98 Train 1.

- Worked as NDT Technician, with OILFIELD INSPECTION SERVICES (Oman) for their
Client M/s Petroleum Development of Oman at various sites like Bahaja, Nimar and
Fahud from September 1995 to February 1996 (3 times short term contracts).

- Worked with SOLUS EMIRATES, Abu Dhabi for their client ADGAS (Abu Dhabi Gas
Liquefaction Company Limited) LNG Plant, Das Island. The duties included Ultrasonic Thickness Survey, Ultrasonic Lamination Survey, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection, Magnetic Particle, Dye-Penetrant Inspection, Radiography of Welds, and Radiography for Internal
Corrosion lagging in pipeline, Eddy Current for Exchangers etc., for pipelines,
Equipments. All these methods of inspection was also done even during their LNG
Plant - Tain-1 shutdown from 16th June 1994 to 20th May 1995. After the above
Mentioned assignment I was seconded to ADCO (Abu Dhabi - Al Dhabbiya site) up to
June 1995.
- As NDT Inspector with M/s OIL FIELD INSPECTION SERVICES, Oman, for their Client M/s Petroleum Development of Oman, at Bahaja site as a Corrosion Monitoring Inspector on Gas Lift and Flow Lines (from 1st October 1993 to 15th December 1993).
Visual Inspections, Photography, Baroscopic. FIBROSCOPIC, Holiday Detector, Paint Coating Measurement, Thickness and Tube Size Measurement on Tubes, Shell, Shell Cover, Channel Head on Heat Exchangers of Eastern petrochemicals (SHARQ) at Al-Jubail for M/s Saudi Designers Engs. Consultants, Al-Jubail, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Shutdown State).
Worked as an NDT Inspector as Freelancing services on name at M/s Raj Enterprises, (from May 1989 to May 1994) and taking sub-contract from M/s Quality Enterprises, Mahim, Bombay. Details are as follows:
- Site in charge (NDT Coordinator) of NDT Inspection on various components of Neo-Pinion Compressor at O.S.B.L. Plant at M/s I.P.C.L Nagothane, Maharashtra, under supervision of M/s E.I.L. Bombay. Above Inspection done for M/s Spic (SMO) Bombay, B.P.C.L. Bombay, R.C.F. Thal (Shutdown State).
- MPT, LPT & UT Inspection on various components and pressure vessels at R.C.F. Thal, Maharashtra (Shutdown State).
- MPT Inspection of Fillet & Butt welds on 5000 MT Ammonia Storage Tank at M/s N.F.L., Vijaypur, M.P. for M/s India Tube Mills and Manufacturing Co. Ltd., under supervision of Bureau Veritas, Bombay (Mfg. State).
- MPT & UT Inspection of Ammonia Storage Horton Sphere at M/s Zauri Argo Chemical Ltd., Goa under sub-contractor M/s Nishi Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Madras for Re-Certification).
- Magnetic Particle Inspection on high pressure pipe lines at N.T.P.C. Super Thermal Power projects, Rihand - Bijapur U.P. under N.E.I project (I) Ltd., U.K. by their sub-contractor Stewarts & Lloyds of (I) Ltd., Calcutta and Simon Carvers (I) Ltd., Delhi.
- Magnetic Particle Inspection weld joint of 5000 Mt. Ammonia Storage Tank, R.C.F. Thal under Toyo Engineers (I) Ltd., by their sub-contractor SGS (I) Ltd., Bombay (Mfg. Stage).
- MPT Inspection on LPG storage tank I.O.C. Gujarat. ref. Baroda (after repair).
- LPT Inspection on Root Run and MPT Inspection of Final Run of various parts fabricated by Haby Engg. Work under supervision of N.P.C of Kakarapur Power Station, Anumula - Gujarat.
- LPT Inspection SS Trays and Air Accumulator Tanks for D.C.M.S Engg. And MRR Engineers. Under supervision of N.P.C for Kakarapur Power Station, Anumula - Gujarat.
- UT, MPT Inspection of Spuds Cans Joints on legs of "Rig-Essar Explorer" for M/s Dolphin Offshore Pvt. Ltd., under supervision of A.B.S. at Bombay High.
- UT, MPT & LPT Inspection of Bolts for Submarine Division, M.D.L. Bombay.
- UT, MPT, LPT and Ultrasonic Inspection for Zenith Chemical Tarapur under Advani
Orlikon, Bombay.
- UT, MPT Inspection on Reactor Vessels, Columns, etc., at B.P.CL. Bombay.
March 1982 to April 1989, 30 K. Dubhash Marg, Near Museum Bombay - 23.
- Magnetic Particle and Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Inspection T.K.Y., Butt, Fillet joints on offshore Jackets, Platforms, main Deck, Accommodation Module fabricated by Mazgaon Docks Ltd., Richardson & Cruddas (1972) Ltd., Bombay and ECC (Larsen & Tubro) group, Hazaria Yard, Gujarat, for O.N.G.C. under supervision of Engineers India Ltd., Bombay. Fillet welds on the main frame of submarine, East Yard, Mazagaon Dock Ltd., Bombay.
- Ultrasonic, Magnetic Particle and Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Inspection of Jack up rigs in Bombay harbor and Bombay High under supervision of A.B.S. and American Coast Guard for Reading & Bates, Western Company of North America and Zapatta offshore Co. U.S.A.

Ultrasonic Thickness, MPT & LPT on Horton Sphere, High & Low Pressure Decomposer, Ammonia Reservoir, Compressor Parts, Urea Reactor Pressure Vessel and Tanks at Gujarat State Fertilizer Co., Zuari Argo-Chem., Union Carbide (I) Ltd., Bombay under the supervision of E.I.L. Delhi.
- MPT Inspection if complete Turbine Set at Tata Station and Tata Electric Co., Bombay.
- Ultrasonic, MPT and LPT Inspection on various typical components of various Engineering companies. Typical components: Crank Shaft, Crank Cases, Crane Brooms and Hooks, Non Ferrous Propellers, fasteners, Connection Rods, Tail and Shaft, Dished Ends, Butt & Fillet welds on ships, steel bars tubes boilers etc.

All above mentioned inspection done as per codes, specifications by ASME, AWS, ASTM, ASNT, API, BS, DIN ISI etc. The supervision of America Bureau of Shipping, Lloyds Reg. of Shipping, Indian Reg. of Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Det Norse Vertas India Ltd., and boiler Inspectorate of Maharashtra etc.
Mistras Group