Mistras Group
Glass Coated Magnetic Microwires for Testing Composites
Source: Composites World
Although some types of microwire sensors and their applications in composites have been discussed previously by CW (see "Measuring temperature inside composites and bondlines" and "Contactless monitoring of temperature and pressure inside composites"), the present state-of-the-art, as well as current and future applications of magnetic microwires, are much broader.

It is worth noting that researchers in applied magnetism have worked with glass-coated microwires for decades [1-4]. Magnetic microwires are proposed for applications in many industries including: microelectronics, sensorics, security electronic surveillance, medicine, aerospace, energy harvesting/conversion, home entertainment, electrical engineering, magnetic memories, composites monitoring and more. Trends regarding these applications have been reported in several recent review papers [5-10]. One of the main applications for composites is in nondestructive monitoring of stress and temperature.

Read the full article at Composites World.

Photo: Dr. Arkady Zhukov "Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect of Magnetically Soft Microwires for Sensor Applications"
