Pressure Vessel Inspector 21-0210-0191
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 12830 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Company: Moody International
State: WY Wyoming
Country: United States
Length: 3 months
Inspect pressure vessel equipment for conformance with safety laws and standards regulating its design, fabrication, installation, repair, and operation.


A minimum of two to four years


Inspects drawings, designs, and specifications for piping, boilers and other vessels.

Inspects gas mains to determine that rate of flow, pressure, location, construction, or installation conform to standards.

Calculates allowable limits of pressure, strength, and stresses.

Performs standard tests to verify condition of equipment and calibration of meters and gauges, using test equipment and hand tools.

Evaluates factors, such as materials used, safety devices, regulators, construction quality, riveting, welding, pitting, corrosion, cracking, and safety-valve operation.

Recommends or orders actions to correct violations of legal requirements or to eliminate unsafe conditions.

Witnesses acceptance and installation tests.

Examines permits and inspection records to determine that inspection schedule and remedial actions conform to procedures and regulations.

Investigates accidents to determine causes and to develop methods of preventing recurrences.

Confers with engineers, manufacturers, contractors, owners, and operators concerning problems in construction, operation, and repair.

Keeps records and prepares reports of inspections and investigations for administrative or legal authorities.

Mistras Group