Start Date: 8/27/2018
End Date: 8/29/2018
NDE/NDT for Highway and Bridges: Structural Materials Technology (SMT 2018) and the International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2018)

Hyatt Regency New Brunswick
New Brunswick, NJ
27-29 August 2018

Program Chairs
Dr. Hoda Azari, US Federal Highway Administration
Dr. Franklin Moon, Rutgers University
Dr. Ernst Niederleithinger, BAM

This joint conference is the one event in 2018 where international researchers, manufacturers, service providers, owners of structures and those active in training, validation and standardization of nondestructive evaluation for civil infrastructure will discuss state-of-the-art as well as innovative NDE technologies, advanced modeling and best practices. The joint conference provides an open space for exchange of ideas, new developments, testing needs from owners, asset management and research.

Time on Monday will be allotted for attendees to visit the Bridge Evaluation and Accelerated Structural Testing Laboratory, aka the BEAST, at Rutgers University. The BEAST uses extreme traffic and environmental loading, 24/7, to simulate decades of wear and tear in just months, giving data about deterioration and performance sooner than ever imagined. Transportation on Monday will be provided to and from the Hyatt Hotel.

Questions concerning the conference should be directed to the ASNT Conference Department at conferences@asnt.org or call us at 800-222-2786 or 614-274-6003, ext. 213.

Mistras Group