NDT in Canada 2018
Start Date: 6/19/2018
End Date: 6/21/2018
The Canadian Institute for Non-destructive Evaluation (CINDE) is pleased to announce The NDT in Canada 2018 Conference! The event will be held from June 19-21, 2018 at the brand new Halifax Convention Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

We welcome authors from across the world to submit papers related to all aspects of non-destructive testing, non-destructive evaluation, and inspection.

The program will feature presentations from leading researchers, technicians, companies, and organizations engaged in the industry on the latest tools, trends, and technologies used within NDT.

Visit the conference website for more details or contact Don Courchesne (Manager, Member Services) via email (events@cinde.ca) or by telephone (905-387-1655 Ext 238).
Mistras Group