5th International CANDU In-Service Inspection Workshop in conjunction with the NDT in Canada 2014 Conference
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Building upon the success of the conference events in 2010 and 2012, the CANDU Owners Group (COG) and the Canadian Institute for NDE (CINDE) proudly announce the 5th International CANDU In-service Inspection (ISI) workshop, jointly offered in conjunction with the NDT in Canada 2014 Conference.
The program will feature presentations relating to the ISI of CANDU nuclear power plants and of industrial equipment as found in mining, primary metals, manufacturing, civil infrastructure, oil & gas, and aerospace industries. Special emphasis will be placed on new developments in NDE technology and the qualification of inspection systems. These will be discussed in multiple sessions for Inspection Experience, Engineering, Inspection Qualification, Personnel Training and Certification, NDE Equipment, New Technology Development, Radiation Safety, and Radiography.
See http://events.cinde.ca for more details