Start Date: 9/23/2002
End Date: 9/27/2002

Topics of interest for the International Conference on QIRT 2002 are as fol low:

  • State-of-the-art and evolution in the field of infrared scanners and imaging systems allowing quantitative measurements, and related data acquisition and storing systems.

  • Calibration and characterization of infrared cameras (mono and multidetector systems).

  • Related problems like certification, standardization, emissivity determination, absorption in media, spurious radiations, three dimensionality of observed objects.

  • Infrared effects induced e.g. by electromagnetic or elastic fields.

  • Application of infrared thermography for radiometry, thermometry, and thermal parame ters identification, in all fields: fluid mechanics, material sciences, structures and material non destructive evaluations, medicine and biommedical science, remote sensing, environ ment, industrial processes...

Dates of QIRT 2002: 23-27 September 2002

Mistras Group