Mistras Group
IV Pan-American Conference for Non-Destructive Testing
Start Date: 10/22/2007
End Date: 10/26/2007
The IV Pan-American Conference for Non-Destructive Testing will take place from October 22-26 of 2007, at Panamericano Buenos Aires Hotel & Resort (Argentina).

More than 112 scientific papers were accepted and renew professionals are coming from every part of the world in order to dictate Technical Sessions and Related Activities. Moreover, Companies and Organisms from Argentina, Brazil, United States, Spain, Czech Republic and The Netherlands already confirmed their participation as Exhibitors and

1) ABENDE (Brazil) 2) APPLUS RTD (Netherlands) 3) ARO (Argentina) 4) Caefe NDT (Argentina) 5) CNEA (Argentina) 6) DASEL (Spain) 7) Facultad Regional Delta - UTN (Argentina) 8) FOMA BOHEMIA (Czech Republic) 9) Inno-Tech (Brazil) 10) Inter-Metro Servicios Especiales (Brazil) 11) ISB Medios de Elevación (Argentina) 12) KODAK (Argentina) 13) Material Testing (Argentina) 14) MESS (Argentina) 15) Metal - Chek do Brasil (Brazil) 16) NDT Seals (US) 17) Oceaneering Inspection (Brazil) 18) Olympus NDT (US) 19) Oshma / Magnaflux (Argentina) 20) ScanTech (Brazil) 21) Sentinel QSA Global, Inc. (US) 22) SI Termografia Infrarroja / CEDIP Infrared (Argentina) 23) Tenaris (Argentina) 24) Viditec S.A. (Argentina)

As host of the next edition, Argentina has a unique opportunity to welcome the main players of the industry and present the local parts developing the Latin American region. Be part of this professional event right now! To became Exhibitor or Sponsor of the IV Pan-American Conference for NDT will be a unique opportunity.

For more information about registrations visit http://www.aaende.org.ar/ - congresos@indexport.com.ar. For academic information visit http://www.aaende.org.ar/ - info@aaende.com.ar, or (5411) 6772-7429 / 7257. For commercial information (booths / sponsoring) contact gaston.posse@indexport.com.ar or (5411) 4514-1400 ext. 4110, Fax: (5411) 4514-1400 ext 4130.
