Trinity Institute of NDT Technology' Bangalore, India is a premier and leading training institute in India conducting regular courses both level 1, 2 in all the important ndt methods. The NDT institute is organizing courses regularly at many places through out India including Bangalore, hyderabad, Vizag, Mumbai, Delhi. Trinity NDT conducts courses on ultrasonic testing (UT), magnetic particle testing (MPT/MT),liquid/dye penetrant testing(PT/DPT), radiographic testing (RT), radiographic interpretation and visual testing (VT).
The NDT programs are regularly organized at our training centers indicated as above. Candidates attending the courses from all over India, Gulf countries, Singapore,Nigeria, South africa, Iraq, UAE, Dubai, Sultanate of Oman, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and other countries can register online. Special and custom specific NDT courses can also be organized at client's places subject to availability of minimum candidates. For more details, schedules, venue contact us or visit our website: or call us at +91 99009 29439, 98441 29439.