Mistras Group
Bloom Field Foundry
PO Box 200 
Bloom Field IA Iowa
United States 52537
Phone: +1 515 664 2191, Fax: +1 319 363 8280
Welcome to Bloomfield Foundry Welcome to Bloomfield Foundry Quality castings backed with pride. Here at Bloomfield Foundry we've built a growing business around time proven standards. Pride in craftsmanship and manufacturing top quality castings have been a way of life around here for many years. And it shows, in both our area and business growth. When we first started, back in 1965, we found that the central location, hard work and demand for customer satisfaction helped us to become a major supplier to the casting markets of the United States. Already the current owner has added to our facilities six times to keep pace with our customers' demands. So you can be sure that as your casting needs increase, our commitment to you will increase with it. Bloomfield is a gray iron foundry, specializing in class 25, 30 and 35 gray iron. Present castings range from one ounce to 75 pounds. Our flask sizes range from 12x12 up to 24 x 26. We're equipped to handle both short and long run jobbing work. Take a tour of Bloomfield Foundry Inc. by visiting additional pages of this site and see how casting quality is an essential part of our tradition. It's one of the foundations of our business so you can be sure that the castings you receive today will not vary in quality standards tomorrow. Bloomfield Foundry, Inc. P.O. Box 200 • Bloomfield, Iowa 52537 Phone: (641) 664-2191 • Fax: (641) 664-2411 E-mail: info@bloomfieldfoundry.com