Mistras Group
Eric O'Connor

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State: FL Florida
Country: United States
I am willing to Travel.
I need a job as soon as possible.
I am willing to work overseas.
I prefer permanent jobs.
Florida Atlantic University, (Boca Raton, FL) September 2012 – September2015
Double major, Mathematics / Computer Sciences

Broward College, (Davie, FL) September 2010 – September 2012
AA Biochemistry, High Honors

The Ocean Corporation (Houston, TX)
Commercial Diving Diploma+ NDT: PT II, MTII, UT II May – October 2006

Mechanic/diver May 2016 – Present
Mechanical ship repairs and underwater repairs/maintenance/haul-out

Subcontractor for Loggerhead diving services 2000 - Present
Underwater yacht maintenance and repair

Broward College, Davie Campus (Chemistry and Physics Dept.) January 2010 – September 2012
Laboratory Technician
Tutor in Mathematics for the Learning Center

Hugh Taylor Birch State Park February 2008 – March 2009
Park Ranger

SPG Hydro International May 2007 - February 2008
Inland / Offshore commercial diving operations

Industrial Divers Corp October 2006 – May 2007
Inland / Offshore commercial diving operations

June 10, 2017

To whom it may concern.

After the end of a 15 years marriage (no kids), I have recently left Florida to spend some time with family in Quebec. I am currently in search of a new career and wish to make a new life for myself. Although I am now in Canada, I do not have any point of attach, it is just me and my car. Since I do have dual citizenship United States/Canada I would be willing to relocate anywhere in the United States or Canada, at a moments notice, for the right opportunity.

While at the Ocean Corporation in 2006 I decided to enroll in the NDT program in addition to the Commercial Diving Certificate, this due to my lifelong interest for science and math and since I felt this could open some more doors down the road and perhaps, some day, lead to an engineering degree. And I indeed enjoyed every classroom and lab hours of the program.

The diving industry, although the starting wages are higher, offers little opportunities for education and growth. This is precisely why, at this point in my life, I wish to make the transition to NDT. I am currently searching for a career not a job, so good prospects for training and education is paramount. Furthermore I feel the NDT industry can put into play the training in science and mathematics I have received these past few years.

Since I have not yet had the opportunity to work in NDT I am seeking an Entry Level Position as an Assistant Technician. I am willing to start at the very bottom and working my way up will be a nice challenge.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Eric O’Connor.
