Mistras Group
IrisNDT Acquires Significant Assets of Viking Inspection
IRISNDT has announced the acquisition of assets of Viking Inspection Limited ("Viking"). Viking provides EEMUA 159 Tank Inspections and API 570 Pipeline Inspections to the chemical, petrochemical, refining, storage, and construction industries. These services are provided to the global market from Viking’s Grimsby office. Viking will move their service location to IRISNDT’s Immingham facility. Viking's move will result in mproved facilities, access to capital investment, and additional support from IRISNDT.

IRISNDT (www.irisndt.com) is a privately-owned NDT, Inspection, and Integrity Engineering company with operations in the U.S.A., Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The company serves a blue-chip customer base in the refinery, petrochemical, chemical, agricultural, and power/renewables sectors around ongoing operational activities and maintenance turnaround projects, as well as construction and expansion projects. The company is owned by IRISNDT employees and First Reserve, a leading global private equity firm focused on energy and related industrial markets, and has 23 branch locations in the U.S.A., as well as nine in Canada, seven in the United Kingdom, and five in Australia.

"We welcome Stephen Delves and Viking, its employees, and customers to the IRISNDT family. Viking is a company that we have followed for a few years, and we are very excited at this outcome. The addition of Viking fits perfectly into our overall Asset Integrity Engineering strategy, and under Stephen’s leadership we will be able to offer a more focused tank inspection service," according to Roman Kyrnyckyj, Managing Director of IRISNDT UK.