Mistras Group
ASTM International Committee Honors Scientist Ramkumar Venkataraman
India West is reporting that Ramkumar Venkataraman, senior research and development staff scientist at Knoxville, Tennessee-based Oak Ridge National Laboratory, was honored with the Harlan J. Anderson Award by the ASTM International Committee on Nuclear Fuel Cycle.

It is said that Venkataraman received the honor for his outstanding contributions to the committee, according to an ASTM International news release distributed March 14.

Mr Venkataraman was honored with an award of appreciation in 2010.

An ASTM International member since 2004, Venkataraman has served in his current position since 2015, having previously held a variety of positions with Canberra Industries.

The scientist holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in physics from the University of Madras in India, and a doctorate degree in nuclear engineering from the University of Michigan.

In addition to ASTM International, Venkataraman is a member of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management.

Venkataraman has been in the field of radiation detection and measurements for more than 23 years. He currently holds the title of Safeguards Systems Scientist/Engineer with the Safeguards & Security Technology Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Venkataraman has been employed at Canberra Industries for the past 17 years. He helped develop some of Canberra’s key products such as ISOCS and LabSOCS and other algorithms in gamma spectrometry such as the gamma ray true coincidence summing correction, his bio noted. Venkataraman was part of the team that worked closely with Dr. Robert Estep of Los Alamos National Laboratory to commercialize and further develop the Tomographic Gamma Scanner system.

He has worked as a technical lead on R&D projects funded by the IAEA and DNDO. He has expertise in using a variety of safeguards instruments such as neutron coincidence and multiplicity counters, Hybrid K-Edge Densitometry and XRF, and gamma/x-ray analysis techniques for determining U enrichment and Pu isotopics, the bio noted.

Venkataraman is an active member and the current chairman of the ASTM Sub-Committee C26.10 on Non-Destructive Assay techniques. The ASTM sub-committee C26.10 develops and maintains standard test methods and standard guides for various non-destructive assay techniques applied in nuclear fuel cycle.