Mistras Group
4 API 510/570 Inspectors For a Turn around starting 8/21 finishing 9/21
This job is closed
NDT.org Job Number: 77812 * Please reference NDT.org Job Number on all correspondence
Contact: Peter Roy
Phone: 888-578-9066
Company: Acuren Inspection
State: LA Louisiana
Contact: Peter Roy
Country: United States
Length: Turn around start 8/21 to 9/21 work schedule 7/12's
Pay: Per Diem with proof of residency 60 miles from site
Acuren is currently recruiting for 4 API 510/570 Visual Inspector . For a Turn around starting 8/21 finishing 9/21 . 7-12's schedule. Per diem available for proof of residency 60 miles from site located in New Orleans LA

At the direction of client, perform visual and non-destructive examination of static and dynamic pressure retaining equipment in accordance with American Petroleum Institute (API) standards and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Submit to client technically accurate reports documenting equipment condition
Provide client with technical recommendations for the repair, re-rate, replacement, and/or alteration of plant equipment, as required for safe operation within stated operating parameters for durations specified by client
Provide technical input to client as required for welding and metallurgical issues
Provide technical guidance, on a application of non-destructive examination techniques and procedures
Fully comply with all Acuren and client safe work practices and actively participate in all site safety initiatives
Willingness to travel if needed
Certification of American Petroleum Institute Standards 510/570
5 – 10 years’ experience or 2+ years on site experience
In-depth working knowledge of API 510/570 and ASME standards
Experience working in direct support of petrochemical facility engineers

Competitive hourly
7-12's schedule.
Perdiem available for proof of residency 60 miles from site in New Orlerans LA