Search Returned 3 Documents:

  1. Quality Assurance CWI/NDT Inspectors - Job

  2. Location: : Industrial and NDT Jobs : NDT Inspection Jobs :
    Posted: 7/17/2012
    Quality Assurance CWI / NDT Level II Inspectors Our firm is a professional engineering consulting firm specializing in providing construction, engineering, and inspection services to large-scale construction and transportation projects. These are not entry level positions and require certifications.

  3. CWI / NDT Inspectors - Job

  4. Location: : Industrial and NDT Jobs : NDT Inspection Jobs :
    Posted: 5/26/2011
    CWI / NDT Level II Inspector Our firm is a professional engineering consulting firm specializing in providing construction, engineering, and inspection services to large-scale construction and transportation projects. These are not entry level positions.

  5. QA/QC Inspector - Job

  6. Location: : Industrial and NDT Jobs : NDT Inspection Jobs :
    Posted: 6/10/2010
    Our professional engineering consulting firm specializes in providing construction, engineering, and inspection services to large-scale transportation projects. The company was founded in 2008 and has rapidly expanded and is performing work in Japan, China and the United States. With some of the most highly regarded and technically proficient staff in the transportation industry, the company is ...Read More

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